
All About Kitchen

Maximizing Space: A Guide to Adding a Dishwasher to Your Small Kitchen




how to add a dishwasher to a small kitchen

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If you’ve ever wished for the convenience of a dishwasher in your small kitchen, you’re not alone. Many people with limited kitchen space dream of a day when they can easily load up a dishwasher and let it do the work for them. The good news is that adding a dishwasher to a small kitchen is entirely possible with a little creativity and planning. In this blog post, I’ll share some practical tips for integrating a dishwasher into your limited kitchen space, so you can enjoy the benefits of this handy appliance without compromising on style or function.

1. Choose the Right Type of Dishwasher

The first step in adding a dishwasher to your small kitchen is to choose the right type. There are several dishwasher options available, including built-in, portable, countertop, and drawer-style models. For small kitchens, portable, countertop, and drawer-style dishwashers are often the most space-efficient options. These models can easily fit into tight spaces, require minimal installation, and can be moved or stored away when not in use. When selecting the right dishwasher for your space, consider factors such as capacity, energy efficiency, and noise levels.

2. Assess and Optimize Your Kitchen Layout

Before you purchase a dishwasher, take a good look at your current kitchen layout and consider how it might be rearranged or modified to accommodate the new appliance. You may need to move cabinets, adjust shelves, or even relocate other appliances to create enough space for your dishwasher. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and experiment with different configurations to find the best solution for your space. It may be helpful to sketch out your kitchen’s layout on paper or use a digital design tool to visualize different options.

3. Utilize Vertical Space

When it comes to small kitchens, vertical space is often underutilized. To make room for a dishwasher, consider creating vertical storage solutions that free up floor or counter space. This might include installing wall-mounted shelves, hanging storage racks, or adding a tall, narrow cabinet. By utilizing your kitchen’s vertical space, you can create more room for your new dishwasher without sacrificing valuable storage.

4. Remove Unnecessary or Infrequently Used Items

One of the easiest ways to make room for a dishwasher in a small kitchen is to declutter and streamline your kitchen essentials. Take a critical look at your kitchen tools, appliances, and dishware, and consider whether each item is truly necessary or frequently used. By removing items that don’t serve a practical purpose, you can free up valuable space for your new dishwasher and create a more efficient, organized kitchen.

5. Consider a Customized Solution

If you’re struggling to find a pre-made dishwasher that fits your small kitchen, consider investing in a customized solution. This might involve working with a professional to design custom cabinetry or built-ins that accommodate a dishwasher or tackling a DIY project to modify existing cabinets or countertops. A customized solution can help you achieve the perfect fit for your new dishwasher while maintaining a cohesive, stylish look in your kitchen.

6. Opt for a Multi-functional Appliance

Another space-saving solution for small kitchens is to choose a multi-functional appliance that combines a dishwasher with other functions, such as a sink/dishwasher combo. By consolidating two or more appliances into one, you can save valuable space and streamline your kitchen’s overall design. Multi-functional appliances are especially useful in tiny kitchens, where every inch of space counts.

7. Plumbing and Electrical Considerations

Before you can enjoy the convenience of a dishwasher in your small kitchen, you’ll need to address the plumbing and electrical requirements for the appliance. This might involve hiring a professional to install new plumbing lines or electrical outlets or making modifications to your existing setup. Make sure to consult your dishwasher’s installation manual for specific requirements and guidelines, and always follow local building codes and regulations. Keep in mind that if you’re not confident in your plumbing or electrical skills, it’s best to leave these tasks to a professional to ensure a safe and successful installation.

8. Incorporate Space-saving Design Elements

When adding a dishwasher to a small kitchen, it’s essential to consider space-saving design elements that help maintain a clean and functional space. For example, you might choose a dishwasher with fold-away or sliding doors, which require less clearance when opened. Alternatively, you can opt for a dishwasher with an integrated or hidden design that blends seamlessly with your kitchen cabinetry, creating a cohesive look without taking up valuable visual real estate.

9. Optimize Counter Space

In small kitchens, counter space is often at a premium. To maximize your available counter space while accommodating a dishwasher, consider using a countertop dishwasher or creating a built-in countertop extension above the dishwasher. This will allow you to maintain valuable prep space while still enjoying the convenience of a dishwasher in your kitchen. Also, consider using cutting boards or other countertop accessories that can be stored away when not in use to maximize your workspace.

10. Be Mindful of Traffic Flow

When integrating a dishwasher into your small kitchen, it’s important to consider the traffic flow and how the appliance may impact the overall function of your space. Position your dishwasher in a way that doesn’t obstruct the main pathways or make it difficult to access other essential appliances, such as the refrigerator or stove. Additionally, ensure that there’s enough space for the dishwasher door to open fully without hitting any adjacent cabinets, appliances, or furniture. If you have a galley kitchen or a narrow layout, you may want to consider a slim dishwasher or a model with a sliding door to minimize the impact on the traffic flow.

11. Seek Professional Advice

If you’re struggling to find the best way to add a dishwasher to your small kitchen, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. A kitchen designer or contractor can help you explore different options, suggest space-saving solutions, and even assist with the installation process. Consulting with a professional can help you avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that your new dishwasher is seamlessly integrated into your kitchen space.

12. Ensure Proper Ventilation and Maintenance

Finally, when adding a dishwasher to your small kitchen, it’s important to ensure proper ventilation and commit to regular maintenance. Proper ventilation helps prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew problems. Make sure your dishwasher has adequate ventilation, and keep an eye out for signs of excess moisture or leaks. Additionally, maintaining your dishwasher by regularly cleaning the filter, checking for loose or damaged parts, and addressing any issues promptly will help ensure your appliance runs efficiently and lasts for years to come.


Can I fit a dishwasher in my small kitchen without sacrificing too much storage space?

Yes, you can fit a dishwasher in your small kitchen without sacrificing significant storage space by choosing the right type of dishwasher, utilizing vertical space, and considering multi-functional appliances. Opt for portable, countertop, or drawer-style dishwashers that are more space-efficient and can be stored away when not in use. Additionally, create vertical storage solutions and consider investing in a multi-functional appliance to save valuable space.

How do I choose the best dishwasher model for my small kitchen?

When selecting the best dishwasher model for your small kitchen, consider factors such as size, capacity, energy efficiency, and noise levels. Assess your kitchen layout and available space to determine which type of dishwasher, such as built-in, portable, countertop, or drawer-style, will work best. Opt for models that are designed specifically for small spaces, as they often have a smaller footprint and space-saving features.

How can I ensure the proper installation of a dishwasher in my small kitchen?

To ensure the proper installation of a dishwasher in your small kitchen, start by carefully reviewing your dishwasher’s installation manual for specific requirements and guidelines. Ensure that you adhere to local building codes and regulations during the installation process. Address any plumbing and electrical requirements for the appliance, which may involve hiring a professional to install new plumbing lines or electrical outlets, or modifying your existing setup. If you’re unsure about any aspect of the installation process, it’s best to consult a professional for assistance.

How can I maintain my dishwasher in a small kitchen to ensure its efficiency and longevity?

To maintain your dishwasher in a small kitchen, commit to regular maintenance and ensure proper ventilation. Clean the filter and check for loose or damaged parts regularly. Address any issues promptly to ensure your appliance runs efficiently and lasts for years to come. Keep an eye out for signs of excess moisture or leaks, and make sure your dishwasher has adequate ventilation to prevent mold and mildew problems.


Adding a dishwasher to your small kitchen is an achievable goal that can make a significant difference in your daily life. With careful planning, resourceful thinking, and attention to detail, you can successfully integrate a dishwasher into your compact kitchen without compromising on style or functionality. By considering various dishwasher types, optimizing your kitchen layout, and employing space-saving solutions, you can enjoy the benefits of a dishwasher while maintaining a well-organized and efficient kitchen. So, take the plunge and explore the diverse dishwasher options tailored for small spaces to bring added convenience and ease to your kitchen experience.

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